Joshua Cape

Joshua Cape 

Assistant Professor
Department of Statistics
University of Wisconsin–Madison

E-mail: jrcape AT wisc DOT edu

1250A Medical Sciences Center
1300 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53706

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I am an Assistant Professor of Statistics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Previously, I was a faculty member at the University of Pittsburgh, and I spent one year as a National Science Foundation Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Statistics at the University of Michigan. I completed my Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and Statistics at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.

— Associate Editor for Journal of Business and Economic Statistics (JBES) since Sept. 2024
— Associate Editor for Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (CSDA) since June 2024
— Associate Editor for Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (JSPI) since Jan. 2021
— Member of the Math Alliance since Mar. 2021

My current research interests include:

— Statistical Machine Learning
— Multivariate Statistics
— Network Analysis
— Matrix Analysis

On the theoretical side, my research develops statistical methods and theory for complex data problems, often involving networks and graphs. My work also examines the mathematical foundations of data science via the study of matrices. On the applied side, I work on problems arising in the natural sciences (currently, neuroscience and biology) and in the social sciences (currently, economics and sociology) that involve dimensionality reduction, inference, and structure discovery.

My research is supported by grants NSF DMS 2413552, NSF SES 1951005, NSF DMS 1902755, and I am a consultant for 1R01MH137090-01. I am grateful for past research support during my studies from the NSF, NIH, DARPA, and JHU. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of funding agencies.

I am actively recruiting self-motivated graduate students who have a strong background in the mathematical and statistical sciences.


What's New


Upcoming and Recent Talks

IRSA Conference: New Perspectives on the Analysis of Complex Multivariate Data       May 2024
Workshop on Statistical Network Analysis and Beyond June 2024
7th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics July 2024
IMPA: Randomness and Learning on Networks August 2024

Research Group

Jun Hyung Chang Ph.D. in Statistics (Wisc) 2023–present
Yancheng Li Ph.D. in Statistics (Wisc) 2023–present
Jonquil Zhongling Liao       Ph.D. in Statistics (Wisc) 2023–present
Wenlong Jiang Ph.D. in Statistics (Pitt), joint with Prof. Chris McKennan       2021–present
Weiqiong Huang Ph.D. in Statistics (Pitt), joint with Prof. Chris McKennan       2021–present
Anirban Mitra Ph.D. in Statistics (Pitt) 2020–2023              First position: Senior Statistician at Johnson & Johnson (India)
Bill Zekun Wang M.S. in Statistics and Data Science (Wisc) 2022–2024 First position: Ph.D. student at Johns Hopkins University (USA)
Yuqi Tu B.S. in Mathematics and Computer Science (Wisc) 2024–present



Preprints may differ from published papers in terms of content and formatting.

Useful Resources


How to Give a Good Colloquium (in Mathematics)